February 14, 2013

Is it Friday yet.....

Sorry! This was my post from last week, but me and technology were not getting along and I couldn't upload any pictures!!

What a week!!!! Monday I got sick, and not just a stuffy nose sick, but hot and cold sweats, sore throat, throbbing heading, can't move sick! Let's just say, I DON'T HAVE TIME TO BE SICK!!!! Thank goodness Mondays are my free days which I do all my work for the week so it wasn't too bad. But Tuesday, not such a good day to be sick. I have classroom practicum for my masters in the morning (which was my first day officially teaching!), my graduate assistantship in the afternoon, and my remediation class at night. I called out of my grad assistanship and my grad class, but I couldn't bare to miss my first day of teaching. I spent ALL weekend planning for my lesson. It was PERFECT! So stubborn old me tried to go..... I made it 20 minutes before I was sent home (super sad face! :( ) I literally left the building crying I was sooooo mad at myself. I determined to make it through the three hours, and I only made it 20 minutes. So I made myself go to the doctors, and good thing I did. I had a "strep-like" infection and a sinus infection, and boy was I one sick little girl. I slept for 20 hours straight. Yet again, I DON'T HAVE TIME TO BE SICK!! But thank goodness for my wonderful Mommy to make me feel better! She brought me tissues, medicine, soup, and Gatorade. She definitely deserves Best Mommy Award!
So today I did my lesson from Tuesday. I was so happy on how well it went! My professor observed me and was so pleased with all the materials and activities I did in a short 30 minute time span. Thank you to the blogging world for introducing me to the fun fonts from  Kevin and Amanda! My classroom teaching was AMAZED by them. Of course I had to brag and show my super excitement over my worksheets! (Yes, I know they aren't as amazing as all the wonderful things all of your develop, but hey, I'M A NEWBIE!! hehe)
And here is my super cute letter I sent home to the kiddos! I love it!!
So this week started out horrible and I'm still not feeling too hot today. But it's Valentine's Day and my wonderful Mom is making me lobster for dinner during my break before my 7-10 class!

Hope everyone has a great V-day and a wonderful weekend!!

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